Newsletter issued in January 2019

Rotary Magnetron Source for Large Substrates

​Dear colleague:

We wish you a happy and prosperous new year!

At the start of this new year, we are excited that our PVD modeling software is being adopted for a broad range of processes. Our recently introduced V-Grade 5S Plus is capable of simulating industrial sputter-deposition processes that involve linear substrate motion and rotary magnetron sources. To demonstrate this capability, we have recently added two new application examples in which dual rotary magnetron sources are employed for coating of meter-size flat and rolled substrates. You can view the applications through the following links:

        Case S13: Dual rotary magnetron source for large substrates

        Case S14: Dual rotary magnetron source for web coating
Several new features, including an expanded library of magnetron sources and substrate types, are in the works. We are committed to making V-Grade 5S series products the most versatile and user-friendly numerical tools for modeling of PVD processes.

Please feel free to request additional information on our software products and services.

The TinModel team -- your partner in PVD innovations.

Tin Model LLC
© 2019 Tin Model LLC, 2285 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140, U.S.A.
Phone: (857)498-9723